Eine Reise durch Lateinamerika

Such is life

Crossing Latin-America



time needed 3 days

just walking 10 hrs 46 min

distance 37.3 km



  What do the Inkas and the sun have in common?

We found the answer to that question on the small island called 'Isla del Sol' (the sun island).
This marvelous piece of earth (about 4000m above sealevel) is located in the Titikaka lake. Around nothing but wild nature und clean air. And the best thing is: There are no cars on the island. What do you need more for a perfect hike.

With tent, sleeping bag and food we started the trek on the mainland (Copacabana). After 5 hours of hiking, we switched to a rowboat and within 40 minutes we were on the island. The first thing to visit were the inkan ruines of 'Pilko Kaina'. And what else do you expect on the sun island: perfect sunshine!

The second day: Perfect sunshine, too. And from time to time another pre-/inkan ruine to visit and to have a short break. We had the best views at the 'Palacio del Inca', also called the Labyrith.
Near to the Palacio you can find the puma rock - a holy site of the Inkas. In their language the puma rock is called 'Titi Khar'ka'. The Spainards changed 'Titi Khar'ka' to Titikaka and that's how the lake got its name.

On the east side of the puma rock there are 4 entrances. According to the legends 'El Sol' - the sun was born in the two right ones, 'La Luna' - the moon was born in the two left ones. Behind the rock we found two huge footprints - 'Huellas del Sol'. This was the location where the sun made its first steps. And furthermore according to the legends of the Inkas: The founders of the Inkan Empire - Manco Capac and his sister and wife Mama Ocllo also went through these footsteps of the sun. Now we know: The sun and the Inkas were born on the 'Isla del Sol'


Ok, the question is answered, but our hike was far from finished.

We spent our second night on the islands on a white sandy beach in a small bay. First thing to do was to take a bath in the lake. Even at four in the afternoon the sun was strong enough. But as soon as the sun was gone the rain began. Covered in our sleeping bags we thought: How many nights did we spend in the tent without storm or rain? - The answer was easy: None! So we were used to it. The whole night with rain, thunder and lightning - but inside the tent we stayed dry. And we were lucky: Some hunderts of meters to the south the thunderstorm had turned into a hailstorm. On the next morning huge parts of the island were covered with hail. But it didn't last very long. The strong sun turned the hail into torrent ditches, which covered lots of our trek.
We had to climb around to stay dry. But no problem: We finished our trek with some really tasty trouts out of the lake in the small town of Yumani.
The tour on the 'Isla del Sol' was just a wonderful adventure and it will remain forever in our mind.

last update: June/29/2006